Search online and you can find many individuals, websites and so called 'experts' offering 'theory' about doing deals.
Nobody is offering a 'blue chip' team of industry professionals to partner with and to provide YOU with actual deal execution.
At the end of the day, you do not want theory. You simply want to actually do deals and acquire a business - with a highly experienced team supporting you!
None of what you will learn is taught at any of the top global business schools. This is all real world 'street fighting' techniques and actionable strategies that yield results.
The 'Done With You' Joint Venture Program has our highest level of engagement and support. It was built around the premise of one question: 'What would we want in a program if we were just starting out?'
Is it easy? Absolutely not!
Is is possible? Most definitely!
This is a highly replicable skill set that can be taught.
Yes, there is a cost to our time and the M&A JV Program is not cheap, but what is it worth to you when you end up acquiring a company? You will get on-going cash flow and ownership in the business you acquire.
Generate ongoing monthly income in addition to a 6-figure or 7-figure payday down the road!